Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Social Networking Site (SNS)!

I am doing my summers for a SNS, just helping out the marketing team, so that some pressure is reduced from them and in course I also learn something from it.
I used to think that people are done with SNS, people are less and less interested in SNS as they exhaust all the utilities available on the website. But here is Reliance developing another SNS(BigAdda), is there a market, is there a scope?! Well…surprise… surprise! SNS are also like any product if you don’t keep reinventing, it tends to be less and less popular and in course of time fade away. BigAdda is not just another SNS it is much more then it…its your private space, its a video player, a music player and many more…SNS are going from just connecting like-minded people to becoming a place of entertainment. A one-stop –shop for almost everything that’s available on the net. I had been to another internationally number one SNS, MySpace. MySpace had everything from profiler to music to videos even a classifieds section! I mean with such a huge gamut been covered I sit and wonder, ‘someday even these crowd puller option would be done with, then what?! My guess is as good as yours!
Where is the internet leading us and where do we want to go?!

Rejoy (PG - 1, 2006-2008)


Rocky Paul said...

hey rejoy,
First of all I wish you all the best for such a challenging and fun assignement. Your article made me think what is it that really made Orkut click so soon with the masses and develop into such a huge mass social networking site, that today it is vying for your votes in the race to become the YOUTH ICON!!!
I think what was one of the key features of orkut was it's ability to create a social chain of networks that actually later leads to all your old time friends and all those people whom you had always wanted to meet but lost touch due to some reason. Orkut acted as medium to plug that need by providing just what people wanted. You are absolutely right that SNS should also be treated like products and one has to invent options that interests the audience to keep coming back to the portal, thereby increasing the hit rates for the site. There is almost a clutter of SNS portals like Jhoos, Zorpia, My Space, Fropper and many more. But are there any features that really differentiates them from others(say Orkut)? Cosmetic changes in the looks and a little bit of tinkering in the features doesnt differentiate the product (in this case the portal) from others.

himanshu said...

i totally agree with the product theory given and i also agree that constant change is the only way to save these SNS from becoming a commodity......as far as "big adda" thing is there the plans are huge and RIL backing provides an unlimited fund Flow but then the question is that big adda has to fight with orkut ...who had clearly got the first mover advantage atleast in popularity terms in india ...and the biggest characteristic of any such innovative thing is that On one hand it makes people habitual of itself and at the same time it becomes the benchmark for compition and as Rocky mentioned orkut was sucessful as it devised a platform for ppl to catch up with there old frds ....therefore the ppl would be reluctant to start a new circle once they have made it in orkut ......u cant leave orkut as most of ur contact are there which may or may not be there in a new setup ...[ its natural chracteristics of man that it tries to avoid change to the extent it is possible] ..... but yaa offcourse one can have multiple accounts but still orkut will be more than happy with this situation as it has positioned itself to be the primary requirement ......it can be compared with our daily situation of mobile numbers ....we are quite reluctant to change our number frequently ...we all know the reasons ....but yaa idea of complete entertainment package seems grt and should work if properly marketed....but still i percieve it as a fight for the second position .....orkut seems to command ...atleast for few more years to come...

pgpebiz 06-08

Anonymous said...

Well Well...marketing gods have awakened finally! Orkut became famous because it was the only SNS available at the time it was introduced, besides it commanded the backing of 'Google' we cant deny that we got hooked because 'Google' reassured us. BigAdda has things that make Orkut look like a very run down and basic version of itself! But a good product doesnt necessarily guarantee success, as per my belief a good amount of luck too plays a good role, i have seen BigAdda's ads and man are they way out of this world. Lets see now what the Marketing Gods have to say, Hey! Prabhu aap sun rahe ho!
Rejoy (PG - 1, 2006-2008)